Bennewitz Quartet - String Quartets by Schumann and Dvorák

Bennewitz Quartet - String Quartets by Schumann and Dvorák

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Strijkkwartetten '24/'25

Dit concert is al geweest. Bekijk hieronder de serie Strijkkwartetten '24/'25 :

Saturday 20 January 2018, 20:00

What makes the world-renowned Bennewitz Quartet so special? Like no other, the ensemble is at home in Czech music. The musical dna of Dvorák's cheerful 'Twelfth String Quartet', op. 96 is the proverbial blood of the members. The Bennewitz Quartet combines this ultimate classic with Schumann's romantic 'Third String Quartet'. The Bennewitz Quartet also exists twenty years; listen to music specially written for the Bennewitz Quartet for string quartet and clarinet, based on old melodies.

When and where

Begin time:
Saturday 20 January 2018, 20:00

The Edesche Concert Hall. Unheard of acoustics, intimate beauty, one of the most beautiful concert grand pianos in the Netherlands with the very best musicians. From one hour before the start of the concert you are welcome in the Edesche Concert Hall, for example for a cup of coffee in advance. Please note: during the performance we do not grant access to the concert hall The Edesche Concertzaal is unsubsidized and is made possible by Eskes Media / DagjeWeg.NL.

  • Many payment options online;
  • Stage Gift Card OK, also online;
  • Free coffee/drinks/breakfasts;
  • Free wardrobe;
  • Free luxury program magazine;
  • Free and paid parking in the vicinity;
  • ECLive! Listen to the concert again in high quality afterwards (at selected concerts);
  • Enjoy the Edesche Concert Hall Diner at the adjacent atmospheric restaurant Buitenzorg;
  • Subsidy free and independent. Sponsor: DagjeWeg.NL Tickets;
  • NPO Radio 4 broadcasts regularly from the Edesche Concertzaal. Listen again to e.g.

Edesche Concertzaal

Amsterdamseweg 9, Ede

Directions: Car Public transportation